Q: What are the deadlines to submit a press release?
A: Press releases received Monday through Thursday by 6 p.m. ET will be processed for the next issue.
Q: How do I submit a press release and related images to The Wire?
A: All releases should be submitted either as plain text within an e-mail, as a Microsoft Word document attachment or as a PDF file. Images should be sent as JPG or GIF files no larger than 300 pixels wide and 72 ppi. Please limit one release per email.Questions about release or image submission should be directed to Kyle Taylor at ktaylor@thegolfwire.com
Q: I don’t receive The Golf Wire on a daily basis?
A: Contact Kyle Taylor at ktaylor@thegolfwire.com or Larry Olah at lolah@thegolfwire.com and provide the type of browser you receive The Golf Wire on and the e-mail address to which it is sent.
Q: How do I subscribe to receive RADL Wire?
A.: Go to the Subscribe section of The RADL Wire.
Q: Why is some news in Briefly and other under category headings?
A: Companies purchase one of several packages RADL Wire offers to have their releases and images run in full. Companies that do not purchase a package can still submit press releases, but the content will be condensed for Briefly section.
Q: Why did my press release not run?
A: Whenever a press release is received at releases@thegolfwire.com, a confirmation e-mail is sent to the submitter. If a release is not received by the specified deadline, then it will be held until the following day’s issue. If a release was submitted before the deadline and did not run, then contactKyle Taylor at ktaylor@thegolfwire.com or call 941-526-6661..
Q: How do I get my event listed in the calendar section?
A.: Submit the information to releases@thegolfwire.com. Please include the following: event, date, time, location and contact information.
Q: What if there is an error in my my press release?
A: If a mistake is made by RADL Wire staff, we will rerun the release in the next possible edition. If the mistake was made by the press release submitter, we will not rerun the release, but will attempt to fix the mistake at our earliest convenience.
Q: How do I ensure that URLs and email addresses in my release will be linked for clicking? How do I embed a link into a word or phrase for clicking?
A: For the most part, URLs and email addresses are automatically linked by our servers so nothing special is needed from your end. However, when embedding links, specific HTML code must be implemented. Below is a short tutorial on how URLs, email addresses and embedded links work:
Auto-linking URLs and email addresses
The Wire auto-links all standard web URLs from the plain-text copy of news releases. URLs that take the forms of:
• http://www.example.com
• www.example.net
• example.org/path/
• http://www.example.com/page.html
• http://images.example.net/photo1/
• subdomain.example.net
Also, all valid email addresses are also automatically linked.
There is, however, one form of URLs that we do not automatically link:
• example.org
We do not automatically link these types of URLs because it is common for a business name to appear as Example.org and it is often undesireable to link them all. To make sure that example.org is automatically linked, please include a subdomain (the most common default subdomain is www.)
Note: In the rare case that it is desired to not have a URL auto-linked, the HTML tag should be placed directly in front of the link with no spaces between the two (ex. www.example.com).
Embedded Links
For those who’d like to make a particular word or phrase link to another page, be sure to include the correct HTML code in the Word document or text document that is sent to GPA for publication. Here is an example of how the HTML code should appear in the text: RADL Wire
Note: The code will only appear in the content management system and not in what a reader will see.
Also, be sure:
• there is NO space between the href= and the accompanying link;
• there are NO quotes, single (‘) or double (“), in any of the link code;
• there contains either http:// or https:// at the beginning of the URL.
Failure to follow these rules may render the embedded link inoperable and the entire news release may be incorrectly formatted. We will attempt to correct these errors, but are not responsible for any that are not coded properly. Note: We currently do not have a way of automatically converting embedded links from Word (the blue text that links to a webpage) into the correct HTML code. Please make sure that these embedded links in Word are converted into HTML (as shown above) to ensure that they operate as desired.